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School Concerts

music must be experienced live

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Classical music is an important part of European culture and identity. At this current time, there is a danger that the love for classical music is slowly dying-out. It is almost always given the elitist label of High Culture, and because of this, many feel themselves excluded from the experience. The chances children have to get to know and discover classical music are diminishing. Concerts in schools throughout Germany are a rarity. We will change this.


Here as with our project 'Stadt.Land.Klassik!', we would like to do our part in spreading the experience and knowledge of classical culture. The intention is that all children have the chance to get to know classical music. We would like to give children the experience of hearing a  - hopefully unforgettable – concert. Studies have shown that music has a positive effect on childrens' development in many ways. We are thus focussing the school concert project on junior schools. In 2021 we will perform in junior schools in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with various symphonic works, suited to young listeners. Within four years it should be possible that every child has the chance to hear an orchestra in his or her school. The project will be accompanied by an educational programme: the introductions to the pieces will carry the children into the world of classical music. They will get to know the various instruments: how they sound, and what their role is in the orchestra.


Works such as Prokofiev's 'Peter & the Wolf', Saint-Saëns 'Carneval of the Animals', Mozart's 'The Magic Flute' (childrens' version), and many other classical 'hits' will open a new sound world to the children. This will hopefully inspire them to get know classical music more. It is also part of the concept, that the children will hopefully become a fan of an instrument they have discovered, and be inspired to want to play it or sing (in a choir). We would thus like to give positive support to the survival of amateur choirs and orchestras, so important socially to less-populated communities.

Our programme will obviously have to fit-in with the school timetable, and the concerts will be discussed and approved by the teachers.


It is our longterm aim to extend the programme beyond the boundaries of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, to offer junior school children in other structurally disadvantaged areas of Germany the opportunity to hear and be inspired by small symphony concerts at school.

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"A great project that is convincing"
Bettina Martin

Minister for Education,

Science and Culture

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

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"Music is something wonderful"
Nadine Julitz

Spokeswoman for culture

and family policy

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“Not just an experience for children! "
Manuela Bölk

Headmistress of the elementary school

“Villa Kunterbunt” in Anklam

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